Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fix Windows 7 Firewall Error 08x007042c

Problem :

Cannot start Windows 7 Firewall. Get Error 08x007042c.

More information I have found on the the problem.

The error log indicates: The Windows Firewall service depends on the Base Filtering Engine service which failed to start because of the following error:
Access is denied Event ID 7001.

The error logs indicate the Base Filtering Engine service terminated with the following error:
Access is denied Event ID 7023.

Also I checked the dependent services Remote Procedure Call (RPC), DCOM Service Process Launcher and RPC Endpoint Mapper are both started.

Solution :

If you have this crappy problem just do this: run-services.msc-base filtering engine: double click-make sure u have the local service, and empty password under LOGIN button. do the same on windows firewall in services. then go to regedit do that AND!!!! give another user to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services user must be called: NT Service\bfe with full control! Then you can start bfe, and then you can start that firewall in services.msc! cheers!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fix Windows 7 Firewall Failure Error

Problem :

My first experience with Windows 7 64 bits...After adjusting Windows 7 Firewall to it's highest security level, the Gibson Research firewall leak test demonstrated that Windows 7 firewall failed to prevent breeching. I downloaded Zone Alarms free firewall and that was successful in plugging the leak, however, it seems that Zone Alarm was not compatible with 64bit OS and my computer was freezing upon startup! I am also running Microsoft Security Essentials which does not seem to contain any independent firewall settings. I have uninstalled Zone Alarm and now remain with only a leaky Windows 7 firewall. Any advise???

Solution :

Windows 7 also has a test application, Action Center. If there is any leak, it will be detected and the notification will pop up. If not, we usually consider that the system is safe and we need not modify anything. At this stage, I suggest you restore the Windows Firewall settings to default and check whether everything is fine. Meanwhile, regarding the report from the third party application, please contact the manufacturer for further assistance about the reported leak.